
Advanced Content Creation In WordPress With Pods

We have all heard about and used post types in WordPress. But sometimes we want to take our post types to the next level. For example, you want to add the tags taxonomy to your pages, or you want to store extra data in your download or product. This is where Pods can step in and help.

What Is Pods?

Pods allows you to easily create your own custom content types, each with their own custom fields. Or you can extend your existing post types to include more fields. Want to create your own custom settings page? PODS makes that super simple to do! It really makes it a breeze to extend WordPress, all from the comfort of your WordPress admin backend - no code necessary! Check out these features:

  • Create any type of content that you want
  • Add relationships to your Pods
  • Choose from dozens of field types, or roll your own
  • Create or extend post types
  • Create or extend taxonomies
  • Extend media
  • Create custom settings pages
  • and more….

Not Just A Plugin

But Pods is  not just a content type plugin. It is a framework that allows you to create full-blown apps within WordPress. The developers from Pods did a session for WordSesh 2 where they talk about this in detail and look at some code examples. They also talk about the new Pods Frontier plugin, which coincidentally is developed by my brother in law David Cramer.

Pods Frontier

Still in development, but hopefully will be available really soon, The Pods Frontier plugin will allow you to create front-end forms and layouts based off your existing Pods. This is really exciting because everything is done in the WordPress backend and you do not need to manually create and edit PHP template files.

Check out the video: